What an absolute party we had Sunday celebrating 28 years as a church family and the finale of our Heart for the House season! Over the past 8 weeks, we highlighted the initiatives accelerating our vision to reach more people with the gospel through the growth and expansion of our global church family. If you have any highlights from your perspective in-the-room or online, be sure to share on social media and tag us on Facebook or Instagram.

You can still make impact through your generosity for our special Heart for the House offering, by giving here. Thank you for expanding the kingdom of God and the vision of our HIP Life Changers family … together.

Thank you for calling Life Changers HOME.


Shop for CHURCH MERCH here and know that all profits go toward all the HEART FOR THE HOUSE initiatives—you can read more about below. Happy Shopping!


Family was God’s idea! After all, He is our Heavenly Father, and He has a great plan for you and your family. As you meditate on and declare these promises, you can expect to see God’s great purpose for you and your family come to pass.

As a part of our Heart for the House season of celebration at Life Changers Church, enjoy a digital download of Pastor Gregory Dickow’s book, “Faith For Your Family Declarations.”

What is Heart for the House?

HEART FOR THE HOUSE is our collective opportunity to celebrate God—and everything He has done with us, in us, and through us this year.

HEART FOR THE HOUSE is about accelerating our vision and reaching more people with the gospel through the growth and expansion of our global church family.

Finally, HEART FOR THE HOUSE is a special time when our church family gives generously, above and beyond our tithes to unlock the miraculous potential before us as a church in the upcoming year.


We love the idea of the Church being compared to a home. In fact, Paul uses this language in Ephesians 2 as he describes our place in the household of God—every individual is carefully placed brick by brick and Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone holding us all together. It is truly astonishing that God has chosen to partner with ordinary men and women like us to build His beautiful House—people who believe they can make a difference in the world and see the love of God reach the nations.

Our vision at large, has always been to tell people of the off-the-charts, never-ending, inexhaustible love of God and welcome them home—people from all nations, ethnicities, socioeconomics, and lifestyles who are looking for a warm and loving church family.

God is building a home. He's using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what He is building.

Ephesians 2:19 (MSG)


Impact the lives of people locally and globally with your generosity Click here to give
Generosity (also called giving or tithing) is a biblical principle. God calls us to give the first 10% of our income back to Him. It’s often said that the tithe is Old Testament “legalism,” but Abraham tithed some 430 years before the Law was given to Moses. God gives us good things we don’t deserve and could never earn, like grace and forgiveness. He gave the ultimate gift, His son, for our sins. God created you with a generous spirit. As a follower of Jesus, we want to help you imitate God by giving beyond your tithe with an offering to one of these causes. Our regular offering is the proportional amount that we set apart on a systematic basis and give throughout the year. From time to time, there are opportunities to give in a sacrificial way. This Special Heart for the House Offering is one of those sacrificial occasions that stretches us to grow in our faith. This Special Offering should be over and above what you regularly give.
100%. Click here to give online.
God is a giver. We are givers! Our heart beats for generosity. Why? For every dollar that is invested, we see the Kingdom of God expand. We see souls saved, lives transformed, orphans and widows fed and clothed, and so much more. Every week, we see viewers in more than 200 countries. Additionally, we translate our messages into the top ten languages in the world reaching people across the globe. We see miracles, healings, lives impacted, deaf ears and blind eyes opened. And we’ve just started. Paul admonishes us to open up our lives, to live openly and expansively! God said to believe Him for increase! Fasten your seat belts. Over the next 8 weeks, we will tap into God’s heart for this global church family. Our generous and collective giving enables our church family to move from vision to reality and supports our life-changing evangelism and outreach at both a local and global level. It’s impossible to out-give God, but you’ll never regret trying. “The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped.” Proverbs 11:24-25
Of course! There can be tremendous tax benefits for you by giving in-kind gifts. It’s very easy. Visit https://lifechangerschurch.com/non-cash-gifts Giving is a way of life that isn’t limited to finances. It’s not just giving tithes and offerings—it’s living with a spirit of giving, caring for those in need, and sacrificing our time, our love, and our resources. When we embrace a lifestyle of giving, we are sowing seeds that God will make sure blossom into a rich harvest! A harvest of not only financial blessings, but riches in all aspects of life. God makes sure the right doors open, the right people come into your life, and the right breakthroughs are received.
You can give on any day of the week and at any time of the day — during the 8 weeks of Heart for the House — from September 19 - November 7. You can give online or in the offerings at our in-person services. We will receive two very special offerings during our services on October 10 and November 7.
All gifts to Life Changers Church, whether via the regular offering or this Heart for the House offering, are completely tax-deductible. Your gift will be deductible in the 2021 tax year. Please be sure to include your name and address when you give, so that a receipt can be sent to you for your tax preparations. You are not required to utilize a tax-deduction for your gift, but it is available.


Every week we focus on how our collective generosity helps support our local and global communitites.

Life Groups

Last week’s HEART FOR THE HOUSE prayer and support focus was all about community. One of the best ways to meet some awesome people in our community is to join a Life Groupin-person or online options available! Join a group that works best for your schedule by clicking here.

Global Church Family

Week six HEART FOR THE HOUSE prayer and support focus was for our Global Church Family and anyone that is connected to us from anywhere around the world that considers Life Changers Church their home. It’s a celebration of how God has expanded us as a church family. For more information on how you can join the Global Family, click here!

To continue advancing initiatives like this and more through our Heart for the House offering, click here. Thank you for your generosity!

the next generation

Week five’s HEART FOR THE HOUSE prayer and support focus was our mission to influence and empower the next generation. Life Changers Kids and Champion Youth are helping young people encounter God, find community, and discover their God-given purpose. We are more committed than ever to utilize technology, media, as well as local gatherings to empower our kids and students to live the life God created them for.

To continue advancing initiatives like this and more through our Heart for the House offering, click here. Thank you for your generosity!

Global Evangelism

Week four’s HEART FOR THE HOUSE prayer and support focus was our global evangelism mission and Solar-Powered Audio Bible distribution. We utilize cutting-edge technology to distribute the entire Bible and teachings from Pastor Gregory Dickow, along with a powerful invitation to receive Jesus as Savior through these audio Bibles. They are solar-powered and translated into 8 of the most spoken languages in the world. The generosity of our church family allows us the opportunity to reach the unreached, the minimized, and forgotten with the message of love.

To give towards initiatives like this and more through our Heart for the House offering, click here. Thank you for your generosity!

Orphanage Ministries

Week three’s HEART FOR THE HOUSE prayer and support focus was our orphanage ministries located in Haiti, India, and Ukraine. Each of these orphanages provide complete care (shelter, meals, school, and more) for hundreds of precious children, many of whom have experienced some form of trauma. To help us continue ministering to orphans around the world, click here.


My name is Moses Burnette. After giving birth to me, my mother dropped me into an outhouse to die. A man heard my cries and pulled me out. He took me to a charity hospital and the staff called Love A Child orphanage. I was very skinny and malnourished. I am healthy now and love to go to school. I also enjoy singing and playing soccer with my brothers. I want to be a doctor someday, so I can help people and babies in the same way I was helped.


Alina’s mother died when she was an infant. She was raised by her extended family who abused her for years. When Alina was 9, the family dropped her off at Sunshine Center in Kiev, Ukraine. For the first time, she felt safe. With love, care, and time, she overcame epilepsy attacks and internal healing. She discovered how special and talented she was and that God had a beautiful plan for her life. At age 15, Alina visited America with a host family and within a week of her stay, the family fell in love with Alina. And in February 2020, Alina was adopted by her new family in South Carolina. She now has big family, a home, and a dog.


Week two’s Heart For The House prayer and support focus was our local food pantries, serving hundreds of families every single week. Our free food boxes include fresh groceries and non-perishable items, enough to last a family for an entire week. If you’d like to sow into Heart for the House, click here. If you would like more information regarding the food pantry hours at both of our campuses, click here. Thank you for your generosity!


Let’s unite in celebration and in prayer together. Feel free to fill out a praise report or a prayer request below and our team will promptly respond.

Praise Report

We want to celebrate with you!

Prayer Request

We want to agree with you!