How are you? My name is Liv Dickow, and I just wanted to say HELLO 👋 and THANK YOU 🙏 for being a part of our Global Family. My dad, Pastor Gregory Dickow, and I are honored that we get to stay connected online, in your prayers, in your giving, and in your love. 

We believe in a growing church, large enough to reach millions through its global impact, yet personal enough to make every person feel that they are the most important person in the world to God—because they are! A growing church—that grows UP in maturity, grows OUT in number, and grows DEEP in relationships. 

We have always been an international church, but the global impact we are having now is beyond our expectations, and we are blown away that YOU are a part. We have conquered new territory, expanded our online reach by 10x 🤯, helped hundreds of families around the Chicagoland area with groceries, and donated resources and supplies to our outreaches in: India, Turkey, Italy, Peru, Haiti, and Sri Lanka. I hope you know that your loyalty to our House has directly influenced this global reach.

As of now, we are continuing to gather digitally online for our service experiences. However, we believe in the power of connection, and we know first-hand the value of being a part of a team. We are excited to announce fun, NEW ways that you can make a difference in your community by being connected to Life Changers Church Online! Check out this video about new ways to stay connected in this time.

We are asking you one quick thing:

Visit this link: lifechangerschurch.com/connect — where you can select “Join a Team” if you would like to serve on a Life Changers Team OR “Lead a Life Group” if you would like to host a small group in your city!

Remember, this is just the beginning. We are better together! God says, “He has carefully designed each member and placed it in the body just as He desires.” (1 Cor. 12:18) And David said, “Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.” (Ps 92:13)

I love you! Know that our team is here for you if you or your family need anything at all!

See you online for MOMENTS this Wednesday!

Liv Dickow
Communications Director
Life Changers Church