We are so excited about our weekly in-person services happening every Sunday at 10:30AM (CT) at our Chicago Campus starting Sunday, August 22, at 10:30AM (CT). Life Changers Kids will be hosting live experiences for all ages (up to 11). There are a few things we wanted to share with you about our upcoming experience. Here is a brief overview of what you can expect.
- Please enter through main campus doors to access our Kids Check-In line safely and efficiently.
- You do not need to pre-register to attend any in-person services.
- Upon arrival, there will be multiple kiosks available for you to check-in your children. There will be a Kids Team member at each kiosk to assist.
NURSERY: 0-3 years old
- Throughout August, we hosted some hands-on training for our Kids volunteers that will be serving in the Nursery classrooms.
- Stroller Drop-Off: There will be a spot in the Kids Hallway where families are welcome to leave their strollers.
- We will have additional space for families that are more comfortable staying together throughout our entire worship experience. Check out our overflow room located in the Kids Hallway!
- In addition, if you are a nursing mom, we have a special room for you located in the Kids Hallway with clear signage.
- If you are looking for additional changing stations, those will be available in both women’s and men’s bathrooms.
- Our ministry to children with special needs is so valuable to us and we are excited to announce that: on Sunday, September 5, our Exceptional Kids class will re-open at our 10:30AM in-person service.
- Children ages 4-16 with physical and developmental challenges are invited to worship in a safe and nurturing environment where their spiritual and physical needs can be met as they learn about the love of God in an exceptional way. More safety details regarding our re-open are forthcoming.
- After check-in, you will be given a tag that will allow you to pick-up your child after service.
- Please be sure to have your tag present upon picking up your child after service. There will be an organized pick-up line as we do our best to honor social distancing.
- In light of the recent mask mandate, Life Changers Kids (only ages 4-11) are encouraged to wear masks until they are at their seats. We encourage all parents to do what they feel is best for their children.
- We will have multiple sanitation stations throughout the building.
- If you have any questions or feedback concerning your child’s experience, please reach out to our Kids Team Coordinator, Chandler Avila here.
We look forward to seeing you in-person. COVID-19 is highly contagious and is known to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. By entering the Life Changers International Church building, you agree to abide by the procedures established by the church to protect attendees and staff. See here for the current safety guidelines. You agree that you voluntarily assume the risk that you and/or your family may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at the church, and you waive any liability against the church and any other parties. You also acknowledge that for all future events/meetings that you attend, you will adhere to the current policy and follow the guidelines.
We look forward to seeing you for our weekly in the room experience every Sunday at 10:30AM. We really CANNOT WAIT to party with your kids!