Volunteer Application Form

  • Contact Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Click all that apply
  • *Select all that apply
  • Tell Us about you

  • Our Mission

    Our Mission at Life Changers is simply: Introducing people to the real Jesus; empowering them to rise to their true worth & purpose; and changing mindsets that change the world.

    Here are the core values that we believe all of our leaders actively pursue:


    Attend online church consistently


    Pray for our church and leadership


    Invite people to meet the real Jesus


    Invite people to your online church family


    Be generous with your tithes and offering

  • Select a Team at Life Changers

  • Online Life Group Leader Host

    Host a Life Group digitally and meet throughout the week to stay connected with other members.

    Online Watch Party Host

    Host a Watch Party online on Facebook or in person at your home or public place during our live services and engage with those in your community

    Online Service Host

    Chat with other viewers locally and globally via our platforms by engaging live during our services.

    Call Team

    Connect with other church members by welcoming them, praying with them, and being there for our church family.

    Care Team

    Only if local

    Deliver groceries and care packages to those in need around our local community, or help out at our Food Pantry!

    Re-Open Team

    Only if local

    I would like to be a part of the onsite re-open team! I understand that options will vary based on when the church doors open and what teams will be available.